Parkesburg Library News
April 2nd, 2019
Garden with a Master Gardener! Meet us on Saturdays, 8:00 – 10:00, in back of the library
DVD Membership – 6 month subscription for $15 entitles you to borrow 3 DVDs at a time.
Spring Raffle going on now. Tickets $1.00 or 6 for $5.00. Easer items, $25 Cheesecake Factory Gift Card, $45 AMC Movie Gift card, and more.
History of Many Nations, 300 years of diversity in Chester County,
April 10, 7:00, Ellen Endslow, Chester Co. Historical Society.
Karate Demonstration by Lancaster Co. Shotokan Karate Club, April 27, 10:00.
Book and Bake Sale, Sat., April 27, 9:00 - 4:00. Donations of baked goods needed.
Lyme Disease: What you need to know! Doug Fearn, Sat., May 4, 11:00, reservations suggested.
How to Write and Publish your own Book. Local author Iris Dowling, program and book signing, adults and youth. Saturday, May 18, 10:30.
Medicare: Beyond the Basics, Adam Krassen, LLC, Saturday, June 8, 9:30.
Lavender Farm Tour, Windy Hill, Tour, Presentation, Products, 3211 E. Lincoln Hwy., Parkesburg, reservations suggested.
Science in the Summer, held at the VFW, 406 4th Ave., Parkesburg, July 1 & 2. Level 1 (grades 2 & 3) 2 hours in the morning, Level 2 (grades 4 – 6) 2 hours in the afternoon. Theme: The Human Body – Science of Me.
PAWS for Reading, 3rd Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30. Kids read to a friendly dog. Call for 15 minute reservation.
Mystery Book Club. Love mysteries? Follow the clues, join the Club, discuss mysteries with those who love sleuthing! 1st Mondays, 6:30.
Knitting Group - Thursdays, 6:30-8:00pm. Now making lap robes for VA hospital, shawls for dialysis center, baby blankets, or bring your own knitting or crochet.
Love your library? We need you! Join our Willing Workers Group!
Book Sale Corner – In Children’s Room during library hours.
Free Block Play - Kids under 8 must be accompanied by adult.
Help the library when you order from Amazon http://smile.amazon.com – same products, same prices. Sign up to give the library .5% of the purchase.
Parkesburg Library, 105 West St, Parkesburg, PA, 610-857-5165, FAX 610-857-1193, www.parkesburglibrary.org, Hours: Monday and Thursday 10:00-5:00, Tuesday and Wednesday 10:00-7:00, Friday 10:00-4:00 (Saturdays 9:00-1:00 June 15-Aug 17). Library Board Meetings: 4th Mondays except July, Aug & Dec, 7:00 in the library.
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