Parkesburg Library News
January, 2019
Come see the New Carpeting in the Library!
Do you have a collection you’d like to display in the locked display cabinets in our library? Please see library staff for details.
Buying/Selling Your House, tips from the professionals, Jan. 30, 6:00. Reservations only.
PAWS for Reading, 3rd Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30. Kids read to a friendly dog. Must call for 15 minute reservation.
Mystery Book Club. Love mysteries? Follow the clues and join the Club to discuss mystery books with those who love sleuthing! Two groups: 6:30 1st Thursdays, or 6:30 3rd Mondays.
Knitting Group - Thursdays, 6:30-8:00pm. Now making lap robs for VA hospital, shawls for dialysis center, baby blankets, or bring your own knitting or crochet. Fun with other knitters!
Book Sale Corner – In Children’s Room during library hours.
Free Block Play - Kids under 8 must be accompanied by adult.
Help the library when you order from Amazon.com - http://smile.amazon.com – same products, same prices. Sign up to give the library .5% of the purchase.
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