Parkesburg Library News
July, 2018
Summer Reading Club, pick up reading folders at the library.
Fun in the Sun Book Sale. Saturday, July 7, 10:00 – 5:00.
Summertime Gift Basket and Phillies Tickets Raffles, Tickets $1, 6 for $5.
Science in the Summer, Science of Space. July 9-12 at Parkesburg VFW. Level 1 (kids entering grades 2 & 3), 9:45-10:45, Level 2 (kids entering grades 4-6), 11:00-12:00. Online registration begins 5/17 at 12:00, www.scienceinthesummer.com
PAWS for Reading, Tuesday, July 17, 5:30. Kids read to a friendly dog. Must call for reservation.
How to Write and Publish your own Book. Author Kathy Geesey, Adults & Youth, July 18, 7:00.
4-H Camp, ages 9-15. Exploring pets and animal science, July 23-27, 9:00-12:00. $20 fee.
Art Camp, August 6-9, 10:00-12:00, $20 per child ages 8-15.
Cape May Bus Tour, September 15, 7:00 AM – 9:00 PM, $60 per seat, reservations required.
Essential Oils Program, Saturday, Sept. 29, 11:00.
Lincoln and the Northern Central Railway, Historian John Brown, Oct. 17, 7:00 PM.
Mount Vernon Bus Tour, Oct. 27, 7am-6pm, $60, reservations required.
Mystery Book Club. Love mysteries? Follow the clues and join the Mystery Book Club to discuss mystery books with those who love sleuthing! First Thursday of each month.
Knitting Group - Bring your work & have fun with other knitters! Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:00 PM.
Book Sale Corner – In the Children’s Room during library hours.
Free Block Play - Kids under 8 must be accompanied by adult.
Help the library when you order from Amazon.com - http://smile.amazon.com – same products, same prices, and sign up to give the library .5% of the purchase.
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