Parkesburg Library News
July, 2022
Science in the Summer Registration Reopens July 1! Be a Biologist, in person. Registration is online, www.scienceinthesummer.com. Selection is by lottery. Location: Parkesburg Baptist Church Meeting Hall. Dates: July 27 & 28, 2 hours each day, 12:15 – 2:30 with a 15- minute break after the first hour. Students 7 to 12 years old, no more age groups, 20 students maximum.
Summer Reading, sign up now, program ends August 15.
Environmental Program, Keeping our Environment Clean. Get familiar with the 3 Rs, play a
recycling game, create posters for our community. July 12, 10:00 – 11:00, Minch Park Pavilion.
Seed to Supper, free gardening classes, 1:00 – 3:00 July 14, 21, 28, Aug. 4, 11, 18. Registration Required.
County Ranger Programs. 2:00 at Minch Park Pavilion. Natural Critters Craft, July 27. Coming: Building a Natural Bird Feeder, August 24.
Final Friday July 29, Hot Summer Nights! Library will be there with crafts for kids.
Barnstormers Baseball in Lancaster! Library fundraiser, $15 per ticket group rate. Saturday, Sept. 17 at 6:30. Go to https://fevo.me/parkesburglibrary2 or get tickets at the library.
Brandywine River Museum We have a FREE PASS! Free admission to the museum for up to 4 guests. Patrons need to come to the library to borrow the pass, first come, first served.
Chess Club, Wednesdays, 6:00 – 8:00.
Book Sale Corner, in the Children’s Room during library hours. Books, DVDs, CDs, etc.
PAWS for Reading, 3rd Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30. Kids read to a nice dog. Call for a 15-minute spot.
Knitting and Crochet Club, every Wednesday, 6:00-8:00 pm in the library. All levels of experience welcome. Bring your project and join in the fun!
Mystery Book Club, 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:00 – 7:00, in person and Zoom.
Help the library when you order from Amazon.com Go to http://smile.amazon.com to sign
up. Same products and prices. Amazon gives the library .5% of the purchase.
Volunteers needed for library activities – Book Sales, Final Fridays, and other scheduled events
Parkesburg Library, 105 West St, Parkesburg, PA, 610-857-5165, FAX 610-857-1193, www.parkesburglibrary.org, Hours: Monday and Thursday 10:00-5:00, Tuesday and Wednesday 10:00-7:00, Friday 10:00-4:00 (Saturdays 9:00-1:00 June 18-Aug 20). Library Board Meetings: 4th Mondays except July, Aug & Dec, 7:00 in the library.
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