Parkesburg Library News August 2023
Novel Tea Event with Pam Jenoff, author of Code Name Sapphire, Tuesday, Aug. 29, 7pm. Go to https://bit.ly/JenoffLibrary for details. A Chester County Library System Fundraiser.
Story Times for preschoolers, every Wednesday, 10:00 in the Children’s Room.
Book Sale Corner, in Children’s Room. Books, DVDs, CDs, etc.
Summer Science Classes. Hands-on activities, Thursdays, 11:00 – 12:00. Sign up at the library. Aug. 3: Garden Foods Taste Testing. Aug. 10: Garden Tending & Harvest. Aug. 17: Lunch Time Picnic.
Ranger Programs. Sign up at the library. Programs are at 1:00. August 9: Stream Study Learn about stream water quality you may get wet. Sept. 20: Natural Birdfeeders Build your own birdfeeder.
Chess Club, Resumes August 22, then Every Tuesday at 12:30. Everyone welcome!
Kanopy, a video streaming service, provides access to movies, documentaries & kids’ favorites. Go to www.ccls.kanopy.com , enter your library card no., create your account, start watching.
CCLS Mobile App allows you to access the catalog from your phone or tablet. www.ccls.org, Our Resources, Mobile App.
Libby gives you access to eBooks and eAudiobooks. www.ccls.org, Our Resources, eMaterials, Libby.
Flipster gives you access to eMagazines. www.ccls.org, Our Resources, eMaterials, Flipster
New York City Bus Trip, Nov. 18, 7:30am – 11:00pm, $70. Sign up at the library.
Kids Craft and Play, every 3 rd Saturday, 1:00 – 3:00, June 17, July 15, August 19.
Brandywine River Museum. We have a FREE PASS! Free admission to the museum for up to 4 guests. Patrons need to come to the library to borrow the pass, first come, first served.
PAWS for Reading, 3 rd Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30. Kids read to a dog. Sign up for 15-minute spot.
Knitting and Crochet Club, every Wednesday, 6:00-8:00 pm in the library. All levels of experience welcome. Bring your project and join in the fun!
Mystery Book Club, 3 rd Thursday of the month, 6:00 – 7:00.
Parkesburg Library, 105 West St, Parkesburg, PA, 610-857-5165, FAX 610-857-1193, www.parkesburglibrary.org, Hours: Monday and Thursday 10:00-5:00, Tuesday and Wednesday 10:00-7:00, Friday 10:00-4:00, Saturday 9:00-4:00 (9:00-1:00 June 17-Aug 19). Library Board Meetings: 4 th Mondays 7:00 in the library except no meetings July, Aug & Dec.
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