Parkesburg Free Library News and Activities - April 2024
Beale Manor Tea. Beale Manor is hosting a Victorian Garden Tea on May 10 from 6 pm – 9 pm. They are promoting the Longwood Gardens Community Read Program and some of the proceeds are being donated to the library. Tickets available here: https//eventbrite.com/e/858477167317?aff=oddtdcreator
The Book Sale Corner is located in the Children’s Room. You decide the donation that you want to give. The library accepts gently used children's and adult fiction books. Please ask a library assistant if you are not sure what materials we take.
Brandywine River Museum. We have a FREE PASS! Free admission to the museum for up to 4 guests. Patrons need to come to the library to borrow the pass. The pass is for a week of visits.
Chess Club meets every Tuesday at 12:30 pm at the library. All ages are welcomed! Come learn how to play chess.
Copier - We have a copier for patrons to print from the computer, make copies in the library, easily scan documents, and print from the cloud. Come into the library and check it out!
Pennsylvania and Federal Tax forms and Property Tax or Rent Rebate forms are available at the library.
Free Garden Workshop and Cleanup is being held at the library on April 27, 2024 at 1 pm. The topic is: Composting in the Community Garden and Home. Sign up for the event at the Circulation Desk.
Homeschool Science Classes. Classes are held on Wednesday mornings from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (4/3, 4/10, 4/17/ and 4/24). Ask how to sign up at the Circulation Desk.
Kids Craft & Play. On April 20th from 1 pm - 3 pm, children can make their own bird feeder at the library. Sign up your children at the Circulation Desk.
Partnership with Imagination Library. Sign up for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. Children under the age of five in Chester County are provided a FREE BOOK each month! Ask at the Circulation Desk for the information.
Knitting and Crochet Club meets every Wednesday from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm in the library. All levels of experience welcome. Bring your project and join in the fun! Lots of great conversation.
Mystery Book Club meets the 3rd Thursday of the month, from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm in the library.
PAWS for Reading meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm in the library. Kids read to a trained dog. This is a great reading activity for children of all ages. Sign up at the Circulation Desk ahead of time for a 15-minute spot.
Story Time is held every Wednesday at 10:00 am in the Children’s Room. Bring your preschooler to the library to listen to stories and to interact with other children.
Chester County System Apps – Available with your Card! (Only some of many!)
- CCLS Mobile App allows you to access the catalog from your phone or tablet. www.ccls.org, Our Resources, Mobile App.
- Creativebug is your library’s partner in craft programming. www.ccls.org, Our Resources, DataBase by Name
- Flipster gives you access to eMagazines. www.ccls.org, Our Resources, eMaterials, Flipster
- Kanopy, a video streaming service, provides access to movies, documentaries and kids’ favorites. Go to www.ccls.kanopy.com, enter your library card no., create your account, start watching.
- Libby gives you access to eBooks and eAudiobooks. www.ccls.org, Our Resources, eMaterials, Libby
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